LBP Custom Server Directory

Want to play LittleBigPlanet 1, 2, 3 (PS3/RPCS3) and LBP PS Vita online? Look no further! We’ve compiled a list of the best LittleBigPlanet custom servers out there!

Our Recommendation

Beacon is LBP Union’s custom server. It’s supported by a trusted team of developers behind Project Lighthouse, a strong moderation team, and hosts over 10,000 levels and players!

Beacon by LBP Union

Hop on the elevator back to LittleBigPlanet!

Custom LittleBigPlanet Servers for Everyone

LittleBigPlanet custom servers are unofficially hosted game servers that allow people to play LittleBigPlanet games on real PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita hardware and the RPCS3 emulator online. You connect to these custom servers by patching your game to their server address. You can learn more about how to patch your game with our tutorials, just select your platform of choice!

Software Under the Hood

LittleBigPlanet custom servers are powered by software that’s compatible with your game (the client). Every server you see in the list above is called an ‘instance’. Each instance is powered by a certain custom server software. For example, you may see two instances above running on Project Lighthouse. In the case of Beacon, Project Lighthouse is the software under the hood, and Beacon is the name of the instance running that software.

How to Get Listed on the Directory

Are we missing a server? We either don’t know about the server yet, it doesn’t qualify, or the owners have asked us not to list it.

To have your server listed on the directory above, your instance must meet the following requirements. If rules are required to be put in place on your instance, those rules must be clearly displayed in your in-game terms of service and actively enforced. Please contact us to be listed if you aren’t already. If you prefer not to be listed, please contact us and your listing will be removed as soon as possible.


Your instance must have rules in place requiring players to be respectful to others.


Your instance must have rules preventing others from violating the privacy of others within reason. Players may not share personally identifying information about others (doxing), and sharing one’s own personal information is discouraged. Your instance must declare what information you collect in your terms of service or privacy policy.


Your instance must not allow NSFW content to be uploaded.

Your instance and organization must not tolerate piracy or illegal activity.

Declare Mod Filter

Your instance must declare whether or not you have a mod filter enabled.

Your instance must be committed to reporting CSAM content to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) or another relevant entity and must comply with other legal reporting to protect humans.


LBP Union is not responsible for or endorses content and activity on other LittleBigPlanet custom servers.