
A server for players interested in preserving LittleBigPlanet or would love to learn more about what makes the game tick — Dreamiverse is home to LittleBigPlanet’s best modding resources and information!

Owner: MysteriousCube

Member Count: 2137


Here are some of the rules that we’re aware of that this community has in place. You must follow these rules in order to avoid moderation action. Rules indicated with a star are required in order for the community to be listed on the LBP Union’s Discord Directory.


This server has rules in place requiring you to be respectful to others.


This server enforces user privacy. You may not share personally identifying information about others (doxing), and sharing your own personal information is discouraged.


This server bans ‘not safe for work’ content such as pornographic or excessively violent material.

This community does not tolerate piracy or illegal activity.


English is the preferred language of this server. You must write and speak in English to engage with this community.

Staying on Topic

Users are expected to stay on topic by using appropriate text and voice channels. Moderation action may be taken against those who intentionally derail conversations.

Topic Restrictions

This server may restrict certain topics unrelated to LittleBigPlanet such as politics.


Here are some various policies that may affect your membership with this community.

Cross-Platform Moderation

This server is part of a cross-platform moderation alliance with other Discord servers. This means that if you are banned from this server, you are at risk of being banned from other communities that are part of the alliance.

Image Permissions

This community restricts the use of embedded images in some or all channels.

Imagisphere, formerly known as Dreamiverse and originally known as LittleBigPlanet Exploration and Aether’s Odyssey, is a Discord server dedicated to preserving the development history of LittleBigPlanet. They host valuable resources related to:

  • Unreleased builds of the game.
  • Modding tools and techniques.
  • Unreleased game assets.

Sackfolk looking to learn more about LittleBigPlanet mods, tools, and development history will be right at home at Imagisphere and its help forums where you can ask for assistance.

Some of the resources they offer to aspiring modders are:

  • Workbench
  • Craftworld Toolkit
  • FSB Creation Guide & FSB Tool
  • Hex values for LBP popit colors
  • NetCheat codes