Ministry of Technology

Crafting Innovation for the Future

The LBP Union Ministry of Technology’s objective is to provide new innovations, technology, and solutions to enhance the experience of the LittleBigPlanet fan community. 

Our Story

The LBP Union Ministry of Technology shows its roots back to the Union Development Team founded by Octar1 in 2014. It was later succeeded by the independent Master Creators Society LBP Union observers state in 2015. 

Now that the LBP Union has expanded its vision to reach beyond smaller groups of people and unite the entire community, the Ministry of Technology’s Research and Development team has made significant advancements like the LBP Union Codex, Agent Washington server monitor Discord bot, and currently Project Lighthouse.

Coming soon, the Union Space Corps will spearhead larger testing of the Lighthouse custom server project. 

Research and Development

The LBP Union Research and Development team makes strides in learning new things about LittleBigPlanet and transforming visions into reality. They focus in programming, modding, and logic.

Union Space Corps

The Union Space Corps is dedicated to testing and operating the LBP Union’s official LittleBigPlanet server: Beacon.